• How to Run a Sub 4 Hour Marathon

    I am thrilled to say that I achieved my goal of running a sub-4 hour marathon!! Y’all this was my first marathon in 10 years, first since being married, first since having children and first running in my thirties–yet, I was able to achieve a goal that I never did in my 20’s before having children!! Was it super easy? No. Was it pretty? No. Am I ready to run another marathon? No. But do I feel accomplished and proud? Hell yes! The feeling of showing my boys that with a lot of hard work and dedication, you can finish and achieve your goal is priceless! Seeing my boys at…

  • Five Favorites from Amazon: Skin Care, Scooter, Workout Shirts and More!

    Have you noticed a lot more delivery trucks driving around town recently? Not going to lie, we have been doing our fair share to help the economy utilizing online shopping! Here is a list of 5 of my favorite purchases from Amazon (I will share my favorite purchases from Target and Costco soon!). Top 5 Amazon Purchases and Deals: Vitamin C and Retinol: I recently posted on my instastories about my new skin care routine, including vitamin C and Retinol. I guess I live in a cave (and admittedly, just started routinely washing my face in January–gross, but true!), but I just discovered two inexpensive skin ointments that assist in…

  • Finding the Right Workout for YOU

    Discovering what exercise is right for you can be trial and error mixed with learning a lot about yourself.  It has taken me years to realize that it is alright to change it up and switch out of your routine when you find yourself in a workout rut (or in quarantine). There are so many different things you can do, but at the end of the day you need to find something that you enjoy (and even if you don’t a hundred percent love it, you like it enough). We are all so lucky to have bodies that we can move each day and we need to not lose sight…

  • Working Out with Newborn and Toddler

    Working out is a necessity for my mental health.  Since law school, I have overcome stress and anxiety by running and working out.  Having a newborn and a 2 year old makes working out even more important as it allows me to be a more patient parent. Surprisingly, I was okay’ed to workout immediately following my hospital discharge.  With Reid I was instructed to wait until my 6 week appointment, but the physicians (and I got a second opinion) said that I could workout as soon as I felt up for it and just needed to listen to my body. My first run was about 2 weeks postpartum (Easter in…

  • Finding the Right Workout

    Hi Friends! I have to admit that I am one to follow trends when it comes to working out.  However, time and time again, I get disappointed and I relearn the lesson that I have to listen to MY body and its needs. Fitness is an ongoing and ever changing relationship.  When I find myself bored with a workout, I need to change it up.  I crave endorphins, so I know that as long as my body allows it, I will be working out in some form.  I am someone who would still workout, even if I could be super lean and thin without doing a thing (which unfortunately I…

  • You Do You: Getting Back Into Running

    Our morning started off with tornado and severe weather warnings.  So instead of going through my normal routine and taking a barre class, I went for a quick 2 mile run on our treadmill.  Admittedly, our treadmill has not been touched since we moved in!  It got me thinking about how my routine has drastically changed and how I long to get back to “doing me.” I find myself these days claiming that I was a marathoner in a past life.  Since having issues conceiving because of my low weight (associated with my high mileage running), I have put my passion for running on the back burner.  I realized that…

  • Running Lately: Atlanta is Hilly

    Good morning! After waking up early to say goodbye to my sister and her family, I went on an early morning run with Reid.  It was my first early run since moving to Atlanta and it felt amazing!  There is something about the crisp morning air that really gets the day off to a great start 🙂 When I moved from Charleston to Greenville, South Carolina, I thought that the change in terrain was drastically different/much more challenging–and again I feel the same way since moving from Greenville to Atlanta.  Charleston is extremely flat as it is basically sea level, Greenville is in the foothills so it has gradual hills, and (surprisingly) Atlanta…

  • Working Out with Baby

    Happy Friday the 13th!!  Week days with my little man seem to fly by!  I have been making a point of keeping both of us busy during the days.  I am not one to sit at home and watch TV all day (though I will admit that having some designated snuggle days in front of the TV are quite amazing!).  This week I wanted to try out different workouts I could do with Reid. On Monday, we went on a quick 2 mile jog around the neighborhood.  He loves his stroller and always ends up falling asleep half way through. On Tuesday, I needed to switch it up and went…