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Things to Buy at Costco

Yesterday, I braved the summer crowd and went to Costco.  I try to avoid Costco on the weekends at all costs and definitely avoid it on Sundays after church (people love some free samples).  I had to pick up a boston butt (which is really a pork shoulder–why it is called a butt is unknown to me) and of course found numerous other finds.  Costco is fairly close to my house which makes it convenient to purchase items that I know we will eat/use daily.

I went in for one thing…

My top things to buy at Costco:

  1. Coffee: Charleston Coffee Roasters is my favorite coffee and Costco carries it! The coffee is smooth and not too dark/not too light–it is perfect and a bonus it is organic.  We grind our coffee at home as it stays fresher longer, but if you don’t have a grinder Costco has a large one in the front of the store that you can use.  Charleston Coffee Roasters is a client of my husbands so we have been long time fans–but they seriously know how to make a cup of coffee.
  2. Lettuce/Organic Spinach: I always buy romaine lettuce in bulk at Costco. For some reason the lettuce stays fresh for a while and has quickly become a staple in our household.  I also get organic spinach at Costco–it is a lot less expensive than anywhere else I have been.
  3. Seasonal fruit: I purchase seasonal fruit at a huge discounted price and end up freezing what I don’t use (in theory at least).  This trip I picked up raspberries for 2.99.
  4. Organic Frozen Vegetables: Costco has a huge selection of organic frozen vegetables for less than 10 dollars.  When I was in law school, I would purchase a big bag of vegetables and use them for meals for weeks (if not months).
  5. Dog Food: Costco makes an organic, gluten free dog food that Scout loves.  Bonus the dog food usually runs right around 30 dollars for a bag!
  6. Laundry Detergent/Dish Washing Detergent: If you use it everyday you probably can buy it in bulk for a cheaper price.  I wait until it is on sale (if possible) for the bigger savings.  Right now, ALL detergent is on sale (great for sensitive skin).
  7. Paper products (toilet paper and paper towels): Again, using it everyday it’s a good idea to stock up especially when on sale. Right now, Bounty is on sale 🙂

In other news, I attempted to finish my painting project yesterday, but had a slight issue based on my height–I couldn’t reach the top even with a 6 foot ladder (which I had to buy because our 4 foot didn’t cut it)!! #shortpeopleproblems  Fingers crossed that with Drew’s assistance and extra 2 inches I will have the room finished by today.

Top of wall is not painted 🙁
My painting assistant–she loves her plaid chair.

Last night, being inspired by Wedding Crashers–I made MEATLOAF.  For some reason despite the 100 degree temperature both Drew and I were craving the comfort food of meatloaf.  Meatloaf is about the simplest dish to make and is so dang delicious even though it gets a bad wrap.  Meatloaf sandwich for lunch, I think so!

Ma…The Meatloaf!

Have a happy Tuesday 🙂