
Thinking Out Loud

It has been awhile, but today I am linking up with Amanda for this week’s Thinking Out Loud.


Do self-help books really help?  I am currently reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  I discussed the need to better organize my house and get rid of unwanted things with my sister-in-law, and she surprised me by sending me a copy of the book.  I have never read a self-help book in its entirety (I started the Happiness Project, but never finished it) and am intrigued to see if self-help books really change your thinking.  I have an extremely hard time getting rid of things for the fear of someday needing/wanting it, so we will see if this book helps me declutter!

Will it work?

As baby life is on my mind–why is it that men always get praised when watching a screaming baby, but women get judged?  Yesterday at my 6 week Ob/Gyn check up, my dad was watching Reid in the waiting room while I was being seen by the doctor.  I asked the nurse about how they were doing and despite the fact that Reid was screaming at the top of his lungs–she commented on how sweet it was to see a grandfather trying to calm down his grandson.  Further, ladies at the check out asked if it was my baby and said how all the girls were talking about how nice it was to see his grandfather taking care of a baby.

Grandpa snuggles

Being a mom of all of 6 weeks, I know now that if I was in the same position that I would be getting looks about how I need to calm my baby down.  Further, if my mom or sister were in the waiting room with Reid rather than my dad, I am sure that there would be no comment about how sweet it was or nice it was.  Now, I may be jumping the gun and over generalizing this–but I am pretty certain that it would be the case.

Truthfully, before having a baby I would be one of the people in the waiting room thinking the exact same thing–a guy with a crying baby: I would feel pitty on and think how sweet and caring the guy must be as he is trying to calm the baby down; but a woman with a crying baby: my thought would instantly be that she needs to control that baby and stop the crying.  Call me judgmental, but it is the truth.  I will tell you that now I have a WHOLE different perspective on crying babies in public–and if you happen to see me with a screaming baby, know that I am doing all that I can but sometimes babies just want to cry (and parents need to get things done regardless if a baby is silent or crying!).

Super happy baby :/

Finally, is it just me or is anyone else ready for summer? This bipolar weather is starting to get old and I’m ready for the heat to stay!  I will be sad to put away my black stretch pants (and slightly terrified to show my larger, pale legs off), but I am more than happy for flip flop season to be here 🙂

Have a great day!