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Vacation Recap: Fourth of July at Edisto Island, South Carolina

We just got back from an incredible 9 day vacation on Edisto Island, SC.  We had an amazing time hanging out with family and friends and of course, our little boys.  While we are definitely more sleep deprived than any other vacation we have ever had, we had a great time and cannot wait to go back soon.IMG_7243We are extremely lucky that Drew’s family has owned a beach house on Edisto for over 50 years.  It is such a special place that we all treasure and enjoy reconnecting with family and friends.  I started going to Edisto in college where our nights would be filled with going to Dockside and days were filled with bocce ball and beach beer pong.  Present day consisted of coordinating baby sleep schedules and feeding times, along with ample beach play time and fun in the water.  While a lot has changed over the years, the memories made at Edisto are among my favorite and I always treasure the time we have there.IMG_2057IMG_0305 2IMG_0304 2IMG_4934IMG_4348IMG_7018Walker is a mirror image of how Reid was 3 years ago at the beach, he took long naps on the beach and played in his bouncer at the house.  Reid loves the beach more and more each year.  He loved going into the water, playing with buckets of sand, playing with his trucks and picking up shells on the shore.  IMG_6691IMG_7187IMG_6856IMG_9747Reid’s number one love at the beach was going on “Daddy’s boat.”  Reid talked and talked about wearing his red life jacket and getting to ride on his Daddy’s boat.  The look on his face when we finally went on it was absolutely priceless.IMG_0375IMG_9309While I was super hesitant and pessimistic on how a boat ride would go with a 3 month old and 2 year old, it turned out to be my favorite memory of the week!  Both of the boys did amazing and Reid loved every moment of the boat ride.  He loved waving at all the boats passing by, saying “big boat” or “white boat” or “oh, THAT boat.”  He loved seeing the dolphins and especially loved driving the boat with his daddy.  He even had a little dance party 🙂 IMG_4738IMG_1780IMG_0427 2IMG_0369 2IMG_3502Walker did incredible too.  While he slept most of the way, he was as laid back as possible which made our trip very enjoyable.IMG_9018Our trip was filled with visits from family and friends.  Drew’s mom came down for the first half of our trip and was an incredible help with our boys.  Drew and I were able to go on a solo boat ride, go on runs without a stroller and even went on a date to Ella and Ollie’s.  One of my best friends stopped by to meet Walker and catch up for a little bit.  We had our friends, who have two children around the boys’ ages, stay for a couple days.  And Drew’s sister came down for a day to see the boys and cooked us an amazing shrimp dinner before hitting the road.  All and all, it was amazing getting to spend time with people that we love and don’t get to see often.IMG_8520IMG_0303 2IMG_1067 2IMG_1302IMG_5608IMG_3751IMG_2717IMG_4762IMG_0308 2