
Walker’s 4 Month Recap

Walker turned 4 months old this week and while it seems that he has been in our family forever, it is crazy how quickly time passes.  Walker changed so much in the past month and his personality is really starting to shine.IMG_0486 2IMG_0491 2IMG_0475 2This month, he rolled from his tummy to back and back to tummy.  He is very strong and determined to move if he wants something.  He started babbling and loves to smile.  Seriously, I cannot get over how genuinely smiley the little guy is! And he loves to put everything in his mouth.  At first, I thought he was teething and now I have realized he just loves chewing or playing or really having something in his mouth at all times.IMG_0429 2IMG_0421 2IMG_0400 2IMG_0451 2IMG_0566I will never forget reading the Baby Whisperer when Walker was a couple weeks old and sobbing in my bedroom alone.  I remember thinking that Walker was a “spirited, grumpy baby” and I was just going to have to deal with it (Reid was a “textbook, angel baby” so I was a little devastated!).  However, as the doctor promised, after 3 months or so he became the sweetest and most mild-mannered baby.  While Walker does go from 0 to 60 if he is tired, hungry or having tummy issues, he usually is chill and go with the flow.  We are SO lucky!IMG_0501 2Call me slow, but this month I started to really feel like a family of 4.  It takes me a while to adjust to change, and I guess it took all of 4 months to feel like this is our little family 🙂 We love you so much, Walker! Now if you could just sleep better…IMG_0491 2