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Walker’s First Birthday

SO hard to believe that a year has passed since Walker came into our lives.  This year has tested my limits for sure, but has broadened by heart by SO much.  I will be the first to tell you that my littlest baby boy is not an ‘easy’ baby, he had colic and still only naps for 45 minutes a day, if I’m lucky! He has major FOMO and is attached to his mama (no gym/church nursery or babysitters unless he is asleep). Even though he can be challenging, he is seriously the happiest and smiliest baby ever.  He is very chill and relaxed and rarely fusses unless he needs something.  He is so so sweet!!IMG_7850IMG_0170 2IMG_4827IMG_7489Walker is fun and full of life.  He constantly makes us laugh and loves to be around people.  I am guessing, he is going to be the life of the party and our little jokester when he gets older.  I just love my little snuggler, energizer bunny and mamas boy 🙂IMG_3932IMG_2192For Walker’s first birthday, my dad and Mimi came down to celebrate.  We had perfect weather and went to the zoo to celebrate.  It was amazing having an extra set of hands to help with the boys, it allowed all of us to enjoy the zoo even more.  We met up with one of Reid’s buddies from school and all had a great time looking at the animals. IMG_8117IMG_7625IMG_0423 2IMG_5518IMG_3814IMG_4428Following the zoo, we had a wing cook-off at our house and watched him enjoy his smash cake.  Walker was very delicate with the cake, but certainly enjoyed the frosting/sprinkles! The next day, we enjoyed a wonderful firetruck birthday cake that Mimi made, too cute!  It was so much fun having family in town to help celebrate Walker’s birthday.   IMG_1894IMG_0963IMG_0930IMG_3271