
Weekend Recap: Visiting Friends in Sullivans Island, South Carolina

We just got back from a weekend away visiting friends and family. It has been so nice traveling again and I feel super comfortable as we are basically just quarantining in different locations. This past weekend we visited one of my best friends and Drew’s sister. It was a quick trip but was wonderful being back in the city we love.

On Friday night, we stayed with Drew’s sister in Park Circle (a super cute and growing town just north of Charleston). She welcomed us with a wonderful home cooked meal and kept the kids very entertained. The boys shared a room and a bed for the first time–lets just say it took them about an hour to calm down, but it was super sweet seeing them cuddle in the middle of the night.

On Saturday morning, Drew and I ventured for a run around Riverfront park in North Charleston. I have never been there and it was so beautiful. I love seeing the old Navy housing and the park itself has a lot to offer.

On Saturday afternoon, we visited our friends, Christina and Ryan and their adorable 1 year old daughter. It rained the majority of the day, but around 5 it cleared up and allowed us to venture around Sullivan’s Island on their golf cart (which Reid was obsessed with “driving”) and have a little bit of running around on the beach before dinner.

We had a blast and a little too much wine on Saturday night. It was fun catching up with friends and enjoying the evening after the kids went to bed. Sunday morning, we ventured to beach and all enjoyed afternoon naps before hitting the ice cream shop and Fort Moultrie in the evening.

Reid loved playing on Fort Moultries’ canons and acting like pirates were coming! It is so sweet seeing the little ones run around together and see their imaginations go wild (have I said these are by far my favorite years!?).

While it was a short visit, it was amazing getting to catch up with friends and see family for the first time since December! Charleston truly holds a special place in my heart and it really is one of my favorite places.

Now off to play monster trucks with my two little crazy ones πŸ™‚

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