
What I Ate on Wednesday :)

I have seen many blogs post where people post what they ate in a given day.  I am a notorious snacker/grazer and have a really hard time documenting all that I eat.  I have tried the food journals and my fitness pal app to record what I eat.  However, I always give up halfway through the day because I eat consistently and it’s extremely annoying to write down every chocolate chip morsel that I put in my mouth (last night I’m pretty sure I had about 25).  Admittedly, I enjoy reading what people eat throughout the day–sounds really strange but it is interesting seeing all the unique meals that people eat and it gives me ideas about what I can incorporate into my meals.

So here goes nothing…

Yesterday, I woke up to a big bowl of cereal and coffee with Sugarfree Coffeemate creamer (I know, I know not being able to pronounce a single word in the ingredient list is bad, but I am seriously addicted to this stuff and cannot have my coffee without it).  I like to incorporate sugary cereals with healthy cereals for an added sweet kick.

IMG_1546 (1)
Mix them all together

Midmorning, I snacked on an apple and a vanilla bean greek yogurt from Trader Joe’s.  If you haven’t had TJ’s vanilla bean yogurt, you seriously need to!

For lunch, I eat a big piece of chicken.  I was meaning to make a salad, but I was so hungry that I ended up snacking on carrots, crackers and hummus while heating up the chicken.  I finished my lunch with a chuck of dark chocolate and a handful of cereal (yes, I treat myself to dessert in the middle of the day!).

Big ol’ chicken breast

Following my run and 9 round workout, I had another bowl of mixed cereal.  I am kind of addicted to cereal–which is why I rarely have it in the house, but for some reason boxes of cereal keep appearing!  Ha!

Yellow running shoes aka my go fast shoes 🙂
Scout loves a run

I had the Girls on the Run banquet/dinner where I was good and only snacked on a spinach and strawberry salad (and maybe had a few bites of chicken casserole too) and waited to go home for dinner.  I totally passed on pizza, thank you very much!  Back at home, I had a vegetable bowl with diced chicken and an egg on top.  It is both the chicken and the egg for this girl!  For dessert (number 2), I finished the piece of strawberry pie straight from the dish and had a handful of chocolate chips (25 right?!).

GOTR banquet
My go to meal–mixed vegetable bowl with egg
Homemade strawberry pie 🙂

Told y’all, homegirl likes to eat!  It is interesting writing down all that I eat and seeing that I do have a sweet tooth after all whoops!

Off to make the plunge into my next fitness adventure–stay tuned 🙂 Have a Happy Thursday!