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WIAW #1: Taco Tuesday

Happy Hump Day!  I am so pumped that the Fourth of July long weekend is quickly approaching.  You can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow afternoon, we are hitting the road down to the beach (please, please no traffic!!).


Today, I am linking up with Jenn from Peas and Crayons for What I ate Wednesday.  Please no judgment on this post/forewarning, I eat a lot.  A few months back, my doctor informed me that I needed to put on some weight–which is harder than it looks especially when you like to run a lot.  I had to cut back on my running and increase my eating.  Luckily, I am at a good weight and hopefully there are not more lbs that I need to gain.  Trust me, it absolutely SUCKS being told that you have to put on pounds in the summer–but there are many things worse than being able to eat whatever you want! Rant session over 🙂

Yesterday’s food looked a little like this:

Breakfast: Two hardboiled eggs and a big bowl of Life/Special K cereal with almond milk (not exciting to picture)!  Post breakfast, I took Scout for a quick 2 mile run.  I dropped her at the house and continued for an additional 4 mile run.

The Boykin didn’t want to go the full 6

Mid-morning: Leftover kabob chicken and lentil chips.  Lentil chips are sooo delicious, but they come in such tiny bags! I seriously could devour the entire bag in one sitting–but I am happy to admit that I refrained from temptation.  I have been craving orange soda recently (strange, I know) and found this cool blood orange drink at Fresh Market–it is not as good as the real deal, but it is still pretty stinking tasty!

Kabobs from Sunday night–leftovers are amazing
I do, I do, I dooo…Kennan and Kel reference anyone?!

Lunch: Big salad with avocado, Morning Star chicken patty, sundried tomatoes and feta (with honey mustard dressing of course!)

Love me some feta

Mid-Afternoon: Chocolate-coconut homemade Lara bar (made a new and improved batch)

Dinner: Tuesday is always Taco Tuesday in my house.  I had 3 mini soft tacos and a heaping side of beans/cheese.  I found these new mini taco boats a few weeks back and I was dying to try them out.  After preparing them, Drew commented that they look like what comes in a kid’s lunchable which was totally accurate.  The boats stayed together much better than traditional tacos, but they were very lunchable-like.  I am not sure if I would get them again, but it is always fun trying new things 🙂

Dessert: Fresh Strawberries–yumm!

Its a taco boat
Taco Tuesday Complete!

Off to sport my sweet kicks and getting some shopping done for the long weekend!

Love me some old school Chuck Taylors!

Does anyone else “celebrate” Taco Tuesday?? 

Any big plans for this long weekend?

Chuck Taylors–go or no go?