
  • What Happens Going Gluten and Dairy Free for 3 Months

    A few months ago, I got my first physical with a primary care doctor in years (I get my annual from my ob/gyn every year). After speaking with my PC, she started talking about my gut health and what I thought was just normal llfe, turned out to be a gut issue. To be TMI, I had stomach issues (TMI: diarrhea multiple times a week, gas, bloat and cramp like pain weekly, if not daily). She advised me to do an elimination diet starting with gluten to see if that would ease my symptoms…admittedly, I was not thrilled and did not want to become one of “those people” who have…

  • BEST protein ball recipes

    4 BEST Simple Go-To Protein Powder Ball Recipes

    I have been making protein balls like crazy the past few weeks. After talking with my doctor about going gluten (and now dairy) free, protein balls or power balls have become my go to convenient snack. They are super easy to make and keep me satisfied for a couple hours! My two boys (6 and 4) love to help me stir the ingredients and roll them into little balls 🙂 I posted about these recipes on Instagram, but if you missed those posts here I am sharing our go to 3 easy protein energy ball recipes. For all of the recipes, I used Isagenix Isalean protein powder for these and…

  • Honest, Real life Journey with PCOS from having babies to managing symptoms

    Real Life with PCOS: Living and Thriving with PCOS

    While I was embarrassed about the diagnosis for years, as the symptoms associated with PCOS are not pretty at all, I have grown to understand that it is a part of my story and a part that I am here to share with others.

  • What is the best protein bar? and 90 degree Run

    Wow it has definitely heated up in Greenville.  Yesterday, I went for a HOT 6 mile run.  I take full responsibility for my bad timing, but a girl can still complain a little ;).  I wasn’t able to go for a run until around 2:30 yesterday aka the heat of the day.  It was a little sluggish, but overall I had a pretty good run.  I wanted to add an additional 2.5, but since I forgot money (to buy water at CVS–I hate running with water bottles) I opted out and just did my normal 6. Following my run, I ventured to Trader Joe’s to pick up some protein bars…