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What Happens Going Gluten and Dairy Free for 3 Months

A few months ago, I got my first physical with a primary care doctor in years (I get my annual from my ob/gyn every year). After speaking with my PC, she started talking about my gut health and what I thought was just normal llfe, turned out to be a gut issue. To be TMI, I had stomach issues (TMI: diarrhea multiple times a week, gas, bloat and cramp like pain weekly, if not daily). She advised me to do an elimination diet starting with gluten to see if that would ease my symptoms…admittedly, I was not thrilled and did not want to become one of “those people” who have all these “dietary issues.” However, I decided to give it a try and see how it went. Long story short, I realized I have issues with dairy and sensitivity to gluten as well.

Much to my surprise, my gut feels so much better and I rarely have gas or other stomach issues mentioned above. Going gluten and diary free has helped me so much and I know it is what is best for my body. That being said, I still have slip ups and still eat pretzels or sweets occasionally (and have reactions like diarrhea and gas). I try to rationalize that it is all in my head, since I didn’t get a “formal diagnosis” and I just discovered it through elimination diet…however, my reaction every.single.time. reflects that it is not just in my head (unfortunately!).

The Good.

Going gluten and dairy free has helped SO much with my period and PMS. Much to my surprise, my cramps and terrible moodiness have lessened. I didn’t think much of it but after my husband mentioned it, the corrolation is strong.

I have more energy throughout the day. Having more energy could be because my body isn’t having to fight with my gut throughout the day, like it did in the past. I no longer have the sluggish-ness in the afternoon!

The BEST: I no longer have numerous trips to the bathroom, feel like my stomach is in knots and have gas! It makes me feel so much better.

The Bad.

Y’all, I LOVE bread, pizza, sandwiches, pretzels, sweet bread, cheese plates, crackers, biscuits, ice cream, you name a gluten-filled and dairy-filled item and this girl probably loves it! Not going to lie, it is very hard to turn down these items and takes so much will power. There are times that I give in (and say it’s all in my head) and then I pay the price.

Being “that person.” A lot of my friends are super considerate and don’t really care, but I still feel the need to not say anything to others about my dietary restrictions. We went to dinner with Drew’s co-workers and I was embarrassed when Drew announced that I was gluten and dairy free…its my ego talking, but being “that person” really makes me uncomfortable.

Picking less healthy options. I can’t eat pretzels, but I eat chips; I can’t eat bread, so I bake gluten-free sweet treats; French fries are gluten free! A lot of times the gluten free or dairy free options are less healthy than the regular options. I make swaps, but they aren’t necessarily the healthy choice.

The Pretty.

Lets talk about when your gut is in order…your skin clears up, the time of the month doesn’t reck havoc with your skin, you have more energy, less bloat and overall feel better! It is amazing to finally know the triggers that don’t agree with my body. It totally sucks not being able to eat the food I love, but feeling my best is worth it (most of the time!). If you have any of the symptoms I have, I completely recommend (in my completely non-professional or medical opinion) that you give the elimination diet a try, you never know what your triggers may be!

Some alternatives:

oat flour instead of all purpose flour in baked goods (cook time is almost double in some recipes!)

plant based protein powder instead of whey protein powder

nuts instead of crackers

corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas

chickpea pasta instead of regular pasta

potato chips instead of pretzels

Have you tried going gluten or dairy free? If so, did you notice any changes?