BEST organizers for kids playroom
What is the best way to organize a kids playroom? What storage solutions actually work for playrooms? Well, I am here to tell you that it is an evolving space and changes/shifts are necessary as your children age. While our playroom has transformed over the years, probably every 6 months it changes in a big way, there are a few tried and true items that are BEST for playrooms IMO. First up, the cubes! I had cubes when I was in college, post grad life and early marriage. Cubes are a great and very inexpensive way to create storage solutions. This applies to playrooms too! When my boys were younger,…
What Happens Going Gluten and Dairy Free for 3 Months
A few months ago, I got my first physical with a primary care doctor in years (I get my annual from my ob/gyn every year). After speaking with my PC, she started talking about my gut health and what I thought was just normal llfe, turned out to be a gut issue. To be TMI, I had stomach issues (TMI: diarrhea multiple times a week, gas, bloat and cramp like pain weekly, if not daily). She advised me to do an elimination diet starting with gluten to see if that would ease my symptoms…admittedly, I was not thrilled and did not want to become one of “those people” who have…
Marathon Training in Your Twenties and Thirties: Big Differences
Hard to believe that marathon training is at the half way mark. Admittedly, it has been more challenging in someway and simpler in other ways. For reference, I ran 4 marathons over the course of 3 years when I was in my early to mid twenties. Running back then was a way to destress during law school/college and allowed me time to escape for a bit of time. Running was a family affair and I completed my first few marathons with my dad and sister. It was a way to connect with them and develop an inexpensive hobby. Marathon training in my twenties taught me how much I love to…
Best Educational Shows for Young Children that are Entertaining
Truth be told, I am not a fan of screen time. As a child, I watched too much TV (imo) and therefore, as an adult have a complex against watching tv or being on tablets. Its a bummer for my kids, ha! That being said, I worked hard to get passed this complex and compromised with educational television shows where my boys actually learn something rather than just mindless television. Here is a list of some of our top shows that my boys like to watch and that are secretly educational too! Don’t get me wrong, they also watch Paw Patrol, Grizzly and the Lemurs and other semi-educational shows that…
Big Changes From 3 Year Old to 4 Year Old
Time passes so quickly when you have multiple children, especially with the younger ones! It seems like it was only a year ago that I had a baby and now I have a full grown little boy!! Every birthday is bittersweet. I am grateful for another healthy and happy year with my children, but it is so sad seeing how quickly they grow up and knowing that they aren’t going to stay little for much longer. I truly love these days (collectively ;)) and treasure all the time I get to spend with them when they are young. Walker turned 4 this week and it truly feels like he grew…
How to Train for First Marathon After 9 Years
After almost 9 years–I am running a marathon!! I am so so excited to start the training and run my first marathon post children. Training for a marathon is an event and takes a lot of time and dedication. Having children and babies means there is not as much time as before to train. Running is “me time” and admittedly, I struggle with taking that much time away from my family or doing things for our family to train for a marathon. However, I am thrilled with the opportunity to tag along with one of my good friends and train for a marathon again. It is time that I take…
St. Regis Deer Valley: Amazing 5 Day Trip to Park City
Drew and I just got back from an adults only trip to Deer Valley, Utah. Even though it is the “off season,” early September is where it is at for traveling out west. The crowds are less, the weather is still warm, the views are breathtaking and the prices are right. I am pretty sure it will be on our list of times to go out west from now on! Drew won a trip with his company as “President’s Pick” for his hard work this past year and we added on an additional day to enjoy ourselves. His company went above and beyond to spoil us and gave us fun…
A Mother’s Prayer for First Child Starting Kindergarten
Tomorrow, my oldest starts kindergarten. It is hard to believe how quickly time passes by and how we have already reached this spot where he is going to be off to the “real world.” I am sure I will feel the same way when he enters middle school, high school and college. I have been truly blessed to stay at home with him throughout his life. I have been there for every bump, bruise, scratch, laugh, cry, silly story and everything in between. Following advice of others, we started preschool a couple days a week for a couple hours when he was 2. He went a little more each year…
4 BEST Simple Go-To Protein Powder Ball Recipes
I have been making protein balls like crazy the past few weeks. After talking with my doctor about going gluten (and now dairy) free, protein balls or power balls have become my go to convenient snack. They are super easy to make and keep me satisfied for a couple hours! My two boys (6 and 4) love to help me stir the ingredients and roll them into little balls 🙂 I posted about these recipes on Instagram, but if you missed those posts here I am sharing our go to 3 easy protein energy ball recipes. For all of the recipes, I used Isagenix Isalean protein powder for these and…
Life of a Stay at Home Mom in the Summer
Summer time is flying by and it is hard to believe in just a couple short weeks, my baby will be starting kindergarten. I am having all the feels over here, I know he is ready and excited–but a big part of me still thinks of him as that newborn I first brought home from the hospital. He is growing more independent, but still loves to cuddle at night, runs to me when he gets hurt, wants to play with me and his brother and is little in some ways but growing up in many others. We have done our best to soak up all the summer time together and…