• What Happens Going Gluten and Dairy Free for 3 Months

    A few months ago, I got my first physical with a primary care doctor in years (I get my annual from my ob/gyn every year). After speaking with my PC, she started talking about my gut health and what I thought was just normal llfe, turned out to be a gut issue. To be TMI, I had stomach issues (TMI: diarrhea multiple times a week, gas, bloat and cramp like pain weekly, if not daily). She advised me to do an elimination diet starting with gluten to see if that would ease my symptoms…admittedly, I was not thrilled and did not want to become one of “those people” who have…

  • BEST protein ball recipes

    4 BEST Simple Go-To Protein Powder Ball Recipes

    I have been making protein balls like crazy the past few weeks. After talking with my doctor about going gluten (and now dairy) free, protein balls or power balls have become my go to convenient snack. They are super easy to make and keep me satisfied for a couple hours! My two boys (6 and 4) love to help me stir the ingredients and roll them into little balls 🙂 I posted about these recipes on Instagram, but if you missed those posts here I am sharing our go to 3 easy protein energy ball recipes. For all of the recipes, I used Isagenix Isalean protein powder for these and…

  • Healthy and Simple School Lunches for Young Children

    Making school lunches can be stressful. We specifically choose our boys’ classes based on being able to have lunch at home to avoid packing school lunches. I honestly love eating lunch with my boys and it is a lot simpler to just make them a meal at home than to pack a lunch within the allergy parameters at school. I am pretty sure the whole “you make a plan, and God laughs” applies to this year’s school lunch situation. Our school only had one option for Reid’s age group, which meant he had to eat lunch at school. I was stressed about packing a school lunch for the first time…

  • Easy DIY Holiday Gift Idea for Neighbors: White Chocolate Covered Pretzels

    For years, I have been baking cookies and treats for neighbors. It is a simple and sweet way to thank people who live near you for being welcoming and friendly neighbors. It’s the little things that bring smiles to people’s faces this time of year and I love being a small part of that. Some years, I go all out and bake 5 different types of cookies, but this year I kept it very simple and made delicious no bake white chocolate pretzels. The boys helped me by adding holiday sprinkles to the pretzels. It was such a fun and easy activity that turned out amazing! Supplies: Holiday shaped pretzels…

  • BEST Money Saving Tips For Stay at Home Moms

    My husband jokes that, “I have champagne taste on a craft beer budget” meaning I like nice things but raising two boys on a single income means we have to budget accordingly. It is so important that our family has wonderful EXPERIENCES so when it comes to material things I make sure I save money. In order to have the lifestyle and things we desire, saving money where possible is key! Here I am breaking down 10 of my ALL TIME BEST money saving tips. Shop at bargain grocery stores: With rising inflation prices at grocery stores, I have been able to lower my weekly grocery bill by 20-30% shopping…

  • Top Recommendations in Jackson Hole for Family Vacation

    We just got back from a week long vacation to visit my mom in Jackson Hole. We have been to Jackson 3 times in the past 10 months, but this was the first time we took our boys. They were so excited to see Nana’s house and explore the “Wild West.” While completely different than a vacation without kids, this trip definitely lived up to all of our expectations. We are excited to take them back in 2022. We went Saturday to Saturday, and y’all that is a game changer. Having the extra day at home (Sunday) before getting back into the swing of life makes a HUGE difference. I…

  • Simple and Delicious Baking Recipes Your Family Will LOVE!

    What is a good stress reliever for you? Personally, I love to run but when the boys are taking “quiet time” I keep an ear out for them which means baking is my go to stress reliever. Recently, I have whipped up a couple fantastic recipes that are super simple and delicious AND even my picky eater will eat them 🙂 As I cannot take credit for creating wonderful recipes, I will share links to the ones that I have made and let you know the adjustments I made to them! And if you aren’t a baker, I totally urge you to give it a try. I PROMISE it isn’t…

  • Shrimp Pesto Pizza Recipe and Weekend Recap: Pool, Lake and Family Time

    Does it feel like Groundhog Day every day?! My little boys are growing up so fast and I know in a few years I will look back on the year 2020 and think wow I am glad I had so much extra time with them (gratitude is getting me through this week friends!). Every Friday night this summer, we make our favorite pizza–Shrimp Pesto Pizza (yes, it deserves all caps!). It was a creation we made about 5 years ago when we had a freezer full of shrimp and a basil plant that was going crazy. Originally, we made a shrimp pesto pasta, but in our family we love pizza…

  • Fourth of July Weekend Recap: Family Fun with Friends and Fireworks

    We had such a fun long Fourth of July weekend. It was the first time in months that we had visitors–and I have to say, I miss having guests! Drew’s best friend, Jake and his wife and kids came to visit. Reid and their oldest son are quickly becoming best buds, just like their daddys 🙂 They got in late Thursday evening which allowed us to have a full day on Friday. We ventured to the pool that afternoon, followed by nap time and a quiet evening chatting and eating homemade pizza (Drew’s latest obsession, which I secretly love!). We woke up on Saturday morning and ventured back to the…

  • Five Favorites from Amazon: Skin Care, Scooter, Workout Shirts and More!

    Have you noticed a lot more delivery trucks driving around town recently? Not going to lie, we have been doing our fair share to help the economy utilizing online shopping! Here is a list of 5 of my favorite purchases from Amazon (I will share my favorite purchases from Target and Costco soon!). Top 5 Amazon Purchases and Deals: Vitamin C and Retinol: I recently posted on my instastories about my new skin care routine, including vitamin C and Retinol. I guess I live in a cave (and admittedly, just started routinely washing my face in January–gross, but true!), but I just discovered two inexpensive skin ointments that assist in…